Adobe Fireworks CS4 v10.0.0.495 Portable

Adobe Fireworks CS4 v10.0.0.495 Portable
Adobe Fireworks CS4 v10.0.0.495 Portable | 126 Mb
Rapidly prototype websites and application interfaces with Adobe® Fireworks® CS4 software. Create and optimize images for the web more quickly and accurately than ever before with an enhanced toolset. Fireworks CS4 enables you to export a clickable prototype as an interactive PDF file, so you can easily collect comments from reviewers and demo your designs. Generate high-fidelity PDF documents from your Fireworks design comps to improve communication with your clients. Apply lighting and shadow effects, styles, and blend modes, including seven new Adobe Photoshop® blend modes, to add depth and character to text and symbols.

Adobe® Fireworks® CS4 software brings web designers improved Live Styles, Smart Guides, and CSS export. Adobe Flex® and Adobe AIR™ application prototyping are fully supported, along with high-fidelity Adobe PDF output and Adobe ConnectNow live meetings.

Accelerate web design and development with Adobe® Fireworks® software, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and rapidly prototyping websites and web applications. Fireworks offers the flexibility to edit both vector and bitmap images, a common library of prebuilt assets, and timesaving integration with Adobe Photoshop®, Adobe Illustrator®, Adobe Dreamweaver®, and Adobe Flash® software. Mock up designs quickly in Fireworks, or leverage other assets from Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash. Then move directly into Dreamweaver for easy development and deployment.


• Adobe AIR authoring
Create your Adobe® AIR™ prototype directly within Adobe Fireworks®, ready to be deployed to HTML and CSS, Adobe Flex®, or SWF. Easily convert your click-through mock-up.
• PDF export
Generate high-fidelity, protected PDF documents from your Fireworks comps for client communication. Help safeguard your designs with password protection — separate passwords can be created for viewing and other tasks such as printing, copying, and commenting.
• Customizable and reusable assets
Jump-start your design process with the Common Library, a repository of graphic symbols, form elements, text symbols, and animations frequently used in web and software applications, interfaces, and websites. Expand your collection with your own custom symbols and styles for continued rapid design.
• Improved performance
Work faster and smarter with overall performance enhancements, from file opening and saving to symbol updates and intensive bitmap and vector operations.
• New user interface
Easily switch from other Adobe Creative Suite® 4 components — such as Adobe Photoshop® CS4, Illustrator® CS4, and Flash® CS4 Professional software — thanks to a universal user interface design.
• Enhanced type handling
Produce exceptional type designs with the enhanced typesetting capabilities of the Adobe text engine. Import or copy/paste double-byte characters from Illustrator (CS3 or CS4) and Photoshop (CS3 or CS4) without loss of fidelity. Float text inside a path for high-impact logos.
• CSS export
Design complete web pages in a robust graphic environment and then export standards-compliant, CSS-based layouts, complete with external style sheets, in one step. Integrate foreground and background graphics with new slice types.
• Styles panel upgrades
Work more efficiently with the enhanced Styles panel. With the click of an icon, choose between default Fireworks styles, current document styles, or styles from other libraries. Multiple style sets can easily be accessed.
• Workspace improvements
Quickly place Smart Guides on your canvas for swift, accurate positioning and measurement of guides and elements. Edit symbols in place for precise symbol refinement in context with the rest of your design.
• Adobe Kuler integration
Access the latest color themes from the Adobe Kuler™ web-hosted service right in Fireworks to sample and apply to your web designs. Craft color harmonies for your own use or to upload to Kuler.
• Adobe ConnectNow integration
Connect client to designer for a real-time online meeting with full-screen sharing across platforms and the country with the Adobe ConnectNow service.

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