Adobe Photoshop Elements v7.0 Portable

Windows Software | Adobe Photoshop Elements v7.0 Portable | Rar | 460 MB

Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Version 7 of Adobe Photoshop Elements has now arrived. Elements 7 has a new Quick Fix tool to soften surfaces while keeping the edge and detail sharp. Plus there's a new Scene Cleaner tool that can brush away undesirable objects from a photo [so you can ditch that car or tourists from the view] And there's now a Smart Brush which lets you instantly apply effects to a selected area of the image.

Plus Element's 7 sports a new single step `whiten teeth' and `make the sky blue' tool. All the old Elements tools are there as well. For editing you have a set of 'quickfix' options or you can load the full image editor for greater manual control: such as adjust sharpness, correct camera distortion, levels, hue and skin colour. Naturally you have standard tools like crop and adjust image size (pixels) as well. You can now do things like brush away wrinkles with the spot healing/healing brush, use clone overlays, make improved B&W images, add image vibrance and clarity make composite pictures, copy and even blend parts from different images (to say swap faces from a series of photo's so that all your kids are smiling at the camera in one image).

You also get a layers palette for composites, shapes, text effects and frames. Plus there are step-through guides [guided edit] to help you get there. The software will also integrate with scanners twain interfaces if you are into scanning film, and the Fill Light [shadow/highlight] tool is pretty essential for bringing out detail in shadows from any slide/negative scan. Plus Elements can handle RAW camera images, although I use TIFF/jpg (Elements can save in any common image format).

Save time with centralized access to your photos and video clips
Access all your photos and video clips from one convenient place, no matter which application you're using.

Instantly add cinematic flair to your photo slide shows
Create a traditional photo slide show, and then let new InstantMovie automatically add video-style effects, transitions, motion graphics, and more. Preview the slide show in full screen and then burn it to disc or upload it to the web to share with family and friends.

Do more with individual video frames
Capture a single video frame; add text, graphics, and other enhancements; and then put the frame back in your movie for a fun or dramatic freeze-frame effect. Or use it to create a personalized disc cover for your movie.

Include treasured memories in your movies
Add visual depth and variety to your movies by including digital stills and scanned film photos.

Create extraordinary photos and tell amazing stories
Make all your photos extraordinary
Easily get the results you want with your photos. Simultaneously select an area and apply incredible effects with a single brush stroke; get whiter teeth and bluer skies in seconds; count on step-by-step editing assistance; and quickly create the perfect photo by cleaning your scene of unwanted elements or making great group shots, seamless panoramas, and more.

Make unique photo creations
Use flexible themed layouts to create everything from photo books and postcards to scrapbook pages and disc covers. Entertain family and friends by sharing photos in visually stunning interactive web galleries with one-of-a-kind templates. Take advantage of online offerings to upload photos directly to the web to order prints and more, and easily share on your TV and iPhone.

Easily find and view all your photos

Keep your photos and video clips at your fingertips with custom tagging, new text searching and other powerful search capabilities, and viewing choices that allow you to sort and find your photos the way that works best for you. Scroll through your photos, apply tags, and view and retrieve photos quickly--even when your library grows to include thousands of photos.

Easily make movies and get incredible results
Create your first movie in minutes
Get started quickly with all your video clips and photos at your fingertips and easy options for making incredible movies. Count on new automated options to find your best clips or instantly edit them into a polished movie using Hollywood directors' creative techniques. Or simply drag and drop thumbnails of clips, transitions, and effects to the Sceneline to create your story.

Add knockout visuals and sound
Give your movies professional style with dazzling visual and audio effects. Easily combine elements of different videos for entertaining results, or impress your audience by adding animated titles, rich audio, amazing special effects, TV-style transitions, and custom, professionally designed interactive disc menus.

Share your movies everywh
Easily share your movies on DVD or Blu-ray Disc, broadcast far and wide by uploading your movies directly to YouTube or your personal sharing site, or play movies on mobile phones and other devices.


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