Are you taking notes a lot and are you fed up with having to search for all your information in many single documents? Would you like to try something that helps you in your everyday document management? You have come to the right place! Super Diary is a powerful multi-purpose program for your daily document management, private or business. It will soon become indespensable for you - it sure has for me!. The program's main purpose is organizing and collecting text documents (and audio clips), but there is a lot more to discover in this program.
Write a Journal / Log / Diary
Super Diary - Notes Section Write your daily notes with the diary program, using a sophisticated word processor, style sheets, images, tables and hyperlinks. Each day can have an unlimited number of entries, organized in folders and subfolders inside a tree view on the left hand side of the editor. Open as many documents as you like at the same time (organized with tabs on the bottom of the document view). You can even open the same document several times and work on different sections at the same time!
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