Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration 6.1.2 CAD Edition (2010)

Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration 6.1.2 CAD Edition (2010)

Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration 6.1.2 CAD Edition (2010) | 943 MB

Right Hemisphere Deep Exploration - a powerful tool for viewing and converting 2D, 3D, audio and video files. The program supports more than four popular formats, and, in particular, allows you to convert 3D files from one format to another, including animation. The program can see the hierarchy of three-dimensional scenes and materials. Deep Exploration comes in two versions - Standard and CAD Edition. The second version supports more formats, as well as an expanded set of tools for working with three-dimensional scenes. There are tools for the optimization models, removal of the scenes hidden objects, association of identical materials and removal of unused and much more. In addition to its core functions, the program allows you to open files on some manipulation: to view the assembly, hide / show specific details, measurements, etc.

Three-dimensional graphics can be applied not only in films and computer games. 3D-models and animation can be useful in areas such as web design, advertising, printing, engineering. To be able to work with three-dimensional graphics, install 3D-editors are not necessarily. If you have finished 3D-models can do the program Deep Exploration. It allows you to view three-dimensional scenes with light materials, light sources and other features, to transform the stage into other formats, save the 3D-model in the form of graphic files. In addition, directly in Deep Exploration, you can add additional sites in the scene and create an animation based on keyframes. The program has a fairly large library of different materials through which you can make 3D-objects are the most realistic.
Deep Exploration to date is one of the best file viewer various formats. In addition to numerous formats, 2D-images, Deep Exploration displays video (*. avi,. Mpg, etc.), text files (. Txt), audio (*. wav), and also shows the contents of *. rar and *. zip archives. One of the distinguishing features of the program is that it also works with files 3D-graphics. Complete list of supported formats, the program can be seen in the preview window immediately after the start Deep Exploration.
One of the many opportunities the program functions - the function of converting the files to different formats. To do this, right-click context menu and select the program in its line of Convert. A window will appear with the settings (eg, Picture Converson), where you can install all the required conversion options. Separately want to note the possibility of converting in batch mode. In that case, when you are dealing with many files, it is enough to indicate which ones you want to export, choose the format, and Deep Exploration process them all in turn. It is worth to note that the program supports the ability to convert not only in graphics, but also in 3D-formats.
Intuitive interface with the directory tree and viewing area, and convenient control buttons, the mouse when viewing the 3d-files provide ease and simplicity of work. To change the position of three-dimensional scene to gently move the mouse while holding down the left mouse button, and all the virtual space begins to rotate relative to a benchmark of 3D-coordinates. When viewing a three-dimensional objects, the program offers a choice of several options for lighting the scene. For example, you can see how the model will look like in daylight, or if it is to cover all sides evenly.
3D-models can be displayed in the preview window as a two-sided objects or as one-sided. If you look at the scope, you will always see only one side of it, so calculate how it looks from the inside, it is absolutely not necessary. However, if your model is, for example, a glass, then in order to get a complete picture of its form, it is necessary that the program displays it as a two-sided object. The mapping of such objects takes more time, however, gives a more accurate representation of the object.
Another possibility Deep Exploration - optimization of the scene. This operation is often used in various 3D-viewer. Optimization is required in cases where the three-dimensional scene contains objects with a large number of polygons. This significantly increases the time visualization of 3D-models. In Deep Exploration optimization consists in the fact that the program after analyzing the scene replaces several overlapping vertices of one (for example, the intersection of two bodies). Unfortunately, such an outcome, such as when using the module Polygon Cruncher, who is a member of another popular 3D-viewer 3D Photo Browser, you could not be achieved, but viewed in the program window vysokopoligonalnye model will become much easier.

Extras. Information:
Support for importing the following formats:
- AutoCAD (DWG, DXF, DWF to 2007 version)
- Inventor (IAM, IPT and 11 versions)
- Parasolid (X_B, X_T, XMT, XMT_TXT to 16 versions)
- ACIS (SAT, SAB and 16 versions)
- Solid Edge (PAR to 16 versions)
- SolidWorks (SLDASM, SLDLFP, SLDPRT, SLDDRW to 2007 version)
- IGES (Method A: Version 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3.)
- STEP (AP204, AP214)
- CATIA (CATPart, CATProduct to 17SP5 version!)
New Features 6.1.2
New Features 6.1.2
-Settings added for highlighting sequences in steps.
-Ability to combine (merge) steps, making a number of steps into one step. This includes merging animations.
-Additional settings in the Tool Assistant, for adjusting opacity and shape of notes.
-Animation options for highlights.
-Metadata settings for PDF.
-Ability to record Walk Mode movements.
-Expand/Close Children options in the right-click menu of the scene tree.
-New setting in F3 search, for using metadata expressions to search.
-Import/Export Settings pop-up facility.
-Spatial Search toolbar, for use with Deep Server.
-New interface for adding Metadata in properties dialogs.
-New shortcut keys for Decal Mapping.
- 'Expand all' option in window selection.
-PMI Settings now in the Tool Assistant.
-Hotspots toolbar renamed to CGM Hotspot.
-HDR Light Studio toolbar added. This is a demo of the HDR Light Studio plugin.
-New PMI viewing filters.
-Opacity settings for callouts.
-CAD specific:
-Tessellation has been improved for all formats. Increased control over the tessellation settings for CAD files.
-Read and write aupport for JT 9.3.
-NX7 is supported.
-Inventor 2010 is supported by the Recommended and Alternate load methods.
-Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5 is supported.
-Solid Edge V20 ST1 and ST2, and additional support for *. psm files.
-Improvements for the DGN file type - modelview support, assembly loading and performance enhancements.
-Solids - The CAD Solid reader has been improved for all formats and has been implemented to take better advantage of the-Solid Tools toolbar. All tessellation presets can be adjusted dynamically and the tessellation controls can be adjusted.
-New Export Option for RH files to save either Solids Only, Mesh Only, or Solids and Mesh.
-CAD file loading can be aborted using the Cancel button in Deep Exploration.
-Assembly files with external reference types; for example, VRML, are now supported.
-CATIA4: New import options to collapse surfaces improves tessellation and allows sewing for better looking models.
-JTPMI: Cross-section support in modelviews.
-CAD Drawing files: CATIA4, CATIA5, NX, Pro / ENGINEER supports line styles, fills and hatching.

In also includes a distributor of DeepView 6.x and import / export plug-ins for any 3D software package that comes with the product.

Current product version - 6.1.2
The current version of plug-ins - 6.0 - Maya 6.0.1 (Support Maya 2010)
The current version DeepView -
Deep Exploration Release Notes Version
Deep Exploration Release Notes x64 Version
RH Import / Export Plugin for 3ds Max Release Notes
RH Import / Export Plugin for Maya Release Notes
RH Import / Export Plugin for SOFTIMAGE | XSI Release Notes

System requirements:
-Windows 2000 SP4 operating system.
-Pentium III 266 processor or higher.
-128MB of RAM (more for large model and texture sizes).
-Microsoft DirectX, version 8.
-Internet Exploration 6.0.
-Graphics card capable of displaying 24-bit color.
-Pixel and vertex shader support on graphics card.
-Shaders located in the Shaders folder.
-3D hardware accelerator video card.
-Windows XP operating system.
-Pentium III 733 processor or higher.
-256MB of RAM (more for large model and texture sizes).
-Microsoft DirectX, version 9.
-3D hardware accelerator video card with 128MB of RAM.
Note: Please ensure that the latest versions of all graphics cards drivers are installed.
An Internet connection is required for 3D Web searches and Cortex updates.
To view and save Maya files, a copy of Maya must be installed.
To view and save max files, a copy of 3ds Max must be installed.



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