Red Call Recorder 1.1

Red Call Recorder 1.1
Red Call Recorder 1.1
Would you like to record calls ? 'Red Call Recorder 1.1' is an easy-to-use tool with perfect solution for you.

Records incoming calls
When accepting a call, Red Call Recorder 1.1 will immediately recognize the caller, than one mouse click on 'Record' will start recording the call to a common compressed wave file (up to 1.1KBps - less then 4MB for an hour!). You can pause or continue recording, and all in real time.

Records outgoing calls
Just operate the dialer, type the desired number, and press" create recorded call". When connected to the desired number, the program will present a message "start recording outgoing call" press "ok" , this call will now be recorded.

Third party
You can play the call while it is being recorded. Speakers or earphones can be attached and a third party can also listen to the call while recording is taking place.

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