Power Retouche Retouching Suite v7.6.2 Retail for Adobe Photoshop-FOSI

Power Retouche Retouching 
Suite v7.6.2 Retail for Adobe Photoshop-FOSI
Retouche Retouching Suite v7.6.2 Retail for Adobe Photoshop-FOSI | 12.2

Power Retouche Photoshop plug-ins for high quality
photo retouching and image editing. Our Photoshop plug-ins solve your
photo problems. Discover exciting new photo retouching methods. We are
offering a huge discount on the Pro pack. FULL 16 BIT, 48 BIT, 64 BIT
SUPPORT. Power Retouche Photoshop plug-ins are also for Paint Shop Pro,
Corel Draw, Illustrator, Fireworks and other graphic software and photo
software for photo editing, restoration and retouching. For Mac &
Windows. Please see list of compatible hosts. Mac version is only for

- Full control over the amount of equalization Full control over the fringe color and fringe detection
- Novel equalization methods Remove two fringe colors, or use double pass filtering
- Adjust amount of equalization in lights, midtones and darks Full control over color correction, saturation and brightness
- Adjust amount of equalization in lights, midtones and darks Not only removes the fringe color, but reconstructs the underlying color

- Full control over the amount of equalization Full control over the amount of equalization
- Novel equalization methods Novel equalization methods
- Adjust amount of equalization in lights, midtones and darks Adjust amount of equalization in lights, midtones and darks
- Apply graduated equalization Apply graduated equalization
- Restrict equalization to aspecific colorrange Restrict equalization to a specific color range

Tone your photo sepia or like any other traditional toned print. Nine preset tones: Sepia, Van Dyck, Kallitype, Silver Gelatin, Palladium, Platinum, Cyanotype, Light Cyanotype and Silver. Adjust the preset tones, or create your own. It has colored lens-filters for the B/W conversion. The plug-in copies the pigmentation distribution of the traditional toned photo printing techniques.

Homepage - http://www.powerretouche.com



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