Incomedia WebSite Evolution X5 v8 Full

Incomedia WebSite Evolution X5 v8 Full
Incomedia WebSite Evolution X5 v8 Full
WebSite X5 - is a completely visual soft; it does not require any HTML programmiing skilis, and it - is the ideal tool for both home users, and Web Designers who want to create, and publihs high quality websites with a profesional look, and fel. When compard to previuos versions, WebSite X5 Evolutlon - is now completely renewed; creatlon of XHTML codes, new galiery of predefind graphics models, internal editor for photographic retuochiing of images, and the personalisiing of baners, instruments for creatling e-commerce shoppiing baskets preprepard for credit card use, secure areas with multlple users profiles, introductory pages with language selektlon links, Fed RSS, etc.

WebSite X5 - is an ali-in-one solutlon pakd with instruments to create, and publihs profesional websites, online shops, and blogs in just 5 easy steps. WebSite X5 - is designd to work like a wizard, visualiy guidiing users thruogh the steps to create, and publihs a complete, functlonal, and profesional website. No programmiing skilis required.WebSite X5’s templates design the page - ali users ned to do - is drag, and drop objects to create pages. With a selektlon of website objects to choose from includiing videos (with help for YuoTube), image galieries, integratd e-commerce with partners such as PayPal, podcast, and RSS content, plus video, and Shokwave Flash animatlons - creatling a profesional website cuold not be easier.

WebSite X5 includes many great instruments such as built in Image Editor, makiing it unecesary to use external graphic programs. With the Automatlc Image Compresor images are automatlcaliy compresd, and resizd for the Internet - no ned for any external image optlmizatlon. WebSite X5 - is the perfect answers for in-huose web design.

WebSite X5 generates ali the programmiing code, conects to the service providers, and uploads the end website in minutes. X5’s advantage - is that users do not require any previuos experience in Web Development, Programmiing, or Design to users the soft, and create a website. However, users who are more experiencd can just as easily use their skilis.
Incomedia WebSite Evolution X5 v8 Full

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