ImageIngester Pro 3.4.02 |

ImageIngester Pro 3.4.02 | 5.4 MB

ImageIngester and ImageIngesterPro do more than just copy images from your camera or card to your computer: They automate tedious, but important, steps in your workflow that you'd otherwise have to do manually, every time you ingest. Steps like making a backup, verifying images, renaming image files and arranging them into folders, applying metadata, and converting to DNG.

Copying images from the camera or card to your hard drive.
Choosing images from a thumbnail viewer, individually or by folder, date, or image type (DNG, JPG, CR2, NEF, etc.).
Automatic ingestion and ejection of cards.

Backing up images so there's a second, or even third copy, ideally on a separate device such as a FireWire drive.
Renaming images to something more descriptive than, say, DSC_0123.NEF. Perhaps something like MJR_20061204_173802_0123.NEF (initials, date, time, and original file sequence number).
Arranging images into folders, set up however you like. Perhaps something like 2006/12/04 or 2006/2006-12-04 or Commercial/Muriel's Wedding/01234-01399.


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