Geneious Pro v4.8.5 for Windows/Linux/MacOSX

Geneious Pro v4.8.5 for Windows/Linux/MacOSX | 172MB

Geneious - is a real gift for anyone fascinated by molecular biology. This program is for information analysis and simulation experiments related to DNA, proteins and other organic compounds. And not have to be a programmer to understand it. The program builds an elementary visual graphical models and, in addition to all, is an excellent biological reference.
Sequence Analysis:
. Pairwise and multiple sequence alignment including ClustalW, MUSCLE, Progressive pairwise and translation alignment
. Phylogenetic tree building with NJ, bootstrapping, consensus trees and plugins for PAUP * and MrBayes
. Consensus sequence, translation, complement and protein statistics update as you edit
. Find motifs, open reading frames (ORFs)

Lab End Sequence Analysis:
. Contig assembly with automated trimming, vector screening, assembly, and chromatogram editing
. 454 import and reference assembly with support for viewing large assemblies
. Restriction and Gateway Р’® Cloning, restriction mapping, digestion and ligation
. Automated primer design with degeneracy support
. Keep a primer database and search for primers which match new sequences.

Sequence Visualization:
. Customizable graphical viewer and editor of sequences, alignments and annotations
. Fully interactive, customizable plasmid maps
. Navigate chromosomes and genomes
. Phylogenetic tree viewer with customizable layout, color and style
. Graphs updated real-time including sequence logos, chromatogram traces and protein properties
. 3D protein structure viewing
. Fast, interactive dot plots
. Easy image export to publication quality formats and More ...

Organize and share data:
. Store and organize all of your research material in one place including sequences, publications, trees and more
. Extensive import and export including Vector NTI, Nexus, GenBank, Fasta, PDF, ABI and many more!
. Collaborate and share data over the internet or on a secure, central server.
. Search and sort sequences by similarity, basic and advanced text searching of data
. Attach structured information to sequences, alignments and trees.

Access public databases:
. Drag and drop sequences from NCBI (including Gene, Genome, Nucleotide, SNP, Structure and Protein)
. NCBI BLAST sequences with two clicks of the mouse
. Keeps your NCBI and EMBL downloads up to date automatically
. Close integration with Pfam databases
. A unique method of rapidly filtering public data as it downloads.

Teach Bioinformatics:
. Create interactive tutorials with direct links to material in Geneious
. All the tools a budding bioinformatician may need is just a click away
. Students can answer question, do analyses then submit their results using Collaboration.

Manage references:
. Automatically retrieves newly published articles from PubMed and can sort them based on your interests
. Storage of abstracts and bibliographic information
. Quick links to find original articles and citation record online.

OS: WinAll, Linux, MacOSX
Language: English



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