[MF] Crave World Clock v1.2 *Regged-CRD* | 3.36 MB.
Keep track of time for major cities and all time zones around the world - See current time for major cities around the world on your desktop with a real world map.
A must-have clock software for people who need to keep track of the current time in different cities around the world. The time will be displayed on a real world map along with day and night effects. You can add cities of your choice on the world map.
Key Benefits:
* Real world map with current time for all cities
Crave World Clock uses real imagery provided by NASA to show world map. It shows day and night effects using shades and even lights from major cities around the world to show night time. See Screenshot
* Set world map as your desktop wallpaper with current time on the map
You will be able to set the world map as your desktop wallpaper. The wallpaper will be updated to show current time for displayed cities every minute. See Screenshot
* Add reminder messages for time on various cities or countries.
Add multiple reminders specifying your own reminder text. You can set the reminder for a specific time and date. It will show a message popup on the mentioned date and time. It will also play a reminder sound which you can choose from the list or specify your own. See Screenshot
* Time-Finder tool to quickly find time for any city around the world
You can use the time-finder tool to quickly find the current time for any city in any country. You can type-in the city or country name and the time with current date will be displayed. You can activate the time finder window with a short-cut (hot) key to make it fast. See Screenshot
* Multi-year calendar view at a glance
You can view calendar for current year or any other year you like with all days and months for each year at a glance. See Screenshot
* Quick access to international dialing codes
Additionally, you can quickly access international dialing codes for all the cities around the world. This is useful if you need to make international calls to your customers or anyone else
Crave World Clock 1.2 Released 5th March 2010
- Facility to set reminders added.
- Minor Bug fixes.
- Now World Clock is more user friendly.
Language: English
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7
Homepage: http://www.craveworldclock.com/index.html
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