ATC Simulator 2
Aerosoft | PC Game | English | Simulator | 451 Mb
ATCsimulator 2 allows you to take on the role as Approach or Departure controller at your choice of over 120 Terminal Radar Approach Control facilities of the United States National Airspace System (NAS), or TRACONs as they are more commonly called. Your goal is to allow for the "safe and expeditious" flow of air traffic. It is your job to assist the pilots arriving at airports inside your airspace boundaries by lining them up for an approach (preparing for a landing). It is also your job to assist pilots departing your airspace by handing them over to the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) controller at the appropriate time or fix location. Aerosoft | PC Game | English | Simulator | 451 Mb
ATCsimulator 2 was modeled after the ARTS-IIIa radar equipment used at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center(MMAC) in Oklahoma City, Radar Training Facility. All of the dials and switches are simulated with photorealistic quality, and perform all of the functions of their real-life counterpart.
Tested on:
Windows XP Pro; SP2
DirectX 9.0c
Intel Celeron 430 1.8 Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS 256Mb - Gainward
Known issues:
Windows Vista and Windows 7 users can expect to have problems running ATC Simulator 2, due to Visual Basic incompatibilities. XP users will have no such problems.
To run ATCsimulator2 on Windows VISTA, you MUST do the following:
- Before, during and after installation, locate all EXEs(application file type) in the ATCsimulator2 root folder and all of those located on the CD.
- set the compatibility to "Windows XP/SP2"
- check "Disable Themes"
- check "Run As Administrator"
Or you can try to disable UAC (User Account Control) to circumvent VISTA installation interference.
Minimum Requirements
Windows 98/98SE/2000/XP
DirectX 8.1 or later
128 megabytes of RAM
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
200 megabytes of free hard drive space
Graphics card capable of 800x600 or higher resolution
16-bit DirectX compatible sound card
Optional microphone/headset (for speech recognition*)
Mirror (Uploading)
ShareTested on:
Windows XP Pro; SP2
DirectX 9.0c
Intel Celeron 430 1.8 Ghz
Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS 256Mb - Gainward
Known issues:
Windows Vista and Windows 7 users can expect to have problems running ATC Simulator 2, due to Visual Basic incompatibilities. XP users will have no such problems.
To run ATCsimulator2 on Windows VISTA, you MUST do the following:
- Before, during and after installation, locate all EXEs(application file type) in the ATCsimulator2 root folder and all of those located on the CD.
- set the compatibility to "Windows XP/SP2"
- check "Disable Themes"
- check "Run As Administrator"
Or you can try to disable UAC (User Account Control) to circumvent VISTA installation interference.
Minimum Requirements
Windows 98/98SE/2000/XP
DirectX 8.1 or later
128 megabytes of RAM
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
200 megabytes of free hard drive space
Graphics card capable of 800x600 or higher resolution
16-bit DirectX compatible sound card
Optional microphone/headset (for speech recognition*)
Mirror (Uploading)
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