Phase One Capture One Pro 5.1

Phase One Capture One Pro 5.1
Capture One Pro - one of the most powerful professional converters digital photos in RAW format with support for vast array of modern cameras. The program allows for single and batch mode to convert on the fly RAW files in full-size TIFF (RGB / CMYK) and JPG format, adjust white balance, effectively handle "overexposed" and "nedosvechennye" snapshots, fine-tune the sharpness of the image and eliminate color noise.

The main targets of Capture One Pro - is the possibility of quick batch processing of images with pre-set preferences without interference in the routine process of the photographer. This is convenient because when I was related to a series of images, their specifications should be the same and do not differ by the presence / absence of noise, sharpness, color settings, camera profile. Converter can save presets, which if necessary can quickly benefit. For example, you can optimize the maximum transfer in b / w with given settings, sharpness and contrast, if you are fond of "classical" picture, and immediately let pictures to print, without spending a whole evening to carry out repetitive actions with each snapshot of the series.

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