Color Fitting 1.0

Color Fitting 1.0
Choosing colors is never easy, but with Color Fitting you can get rid of mental blocks and explore new paths by choosing different starting points. Color Fitting fires your imagination by presenting you with different combinations of color proofers. You just have to choose the colors you like and put them in your color schemes. Color Fitting also helps you find the perfect color combinations by fixing the ones you like while looking for good matches for them.

Color Fitting helps you create color schemes for web and graphic Color Fitting main screen design, slide shows and software interfaces, digital pictures and animations, clothing and fashion accessories, DIY and stage decoration, and anywhere where colors are used. You can spot good color combinations when you see them or a beautiful color when you see it, so there’s no better way to create color schemes than to free your mind to appreciate colors as they are in a context designed to favor creativity.

Color Fitting shows you an array of different colors on the main proofers to Color Fitting main screen tease your imagination. You can work with just one proofer at a time to avoid distractions or you can work with up to eight different proofers. You can also fix the colors on some proofers while looking for more colors to find the right combinations. The proofers can be painted with any color you like so you can arrange them just so to help you select your color schemes. You can also create up to six different color schemes in parallel and each scheme can have as many colors as you like.

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