User Control 2010 6.319

User Control 2010 6.319
RS | Hotfile | Meg

User Control can prevent specified applications from starting and block access to blacklisted websites. It can also prevent access to operating system components. This keeps users from altering system stettings and changing the appearance of the desktop.

Restrict access to applications completely, or at specified times

Rules are often established that limit the use of a computer to specific purposes defined by the owner, but employees, students or users of public computers sometimes do not follow these guidelines. User Control applies the rules you have set up in a friendly, but efficient manner. To play it safe, you could provide access only to predefined applications and block everything else. This will eliminate the possibility of unexpected surprises. Alternatively, you could block only specified applications, such as the popular download wizards, copy-protection crackers, auction site clients, or CD burners. And if you want to allow access to harmless games at lunchtime or after work, you can relax application blocking at the times that you specify.

Complete control over Internet use
The Web is a great tool for research, education, and communication, but it also has a dark side. User Control can allow access only to specified sites, and block all others. It can also block only certain categories of “bad” sites, such as entertainment, online auctions, “adult” sites, or online games. All you need to do is set up filters that search for specified expressions and block any pages on which these appear. These filters can be user-modified at any time to add additional websites or keywords. This functionality can also be relaxed from time to time. You can also specify times when blocking will not be in effect.



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