Ashampoo Magical Snap 2 is a
The editing capabilities of the new version have also been thoroughly updated and enhanced. Now you can turn your screenshots into professional-looking images in no time. Enhancements here include new functions (Flip, Mirror, Drop Shadow, Grayscale, Pencil), new and improved Mouse tools (Callout, Line, Highlight Area, Marker, Select, Draw Text, Arrow, Eraser), radically improved print support (DPI settings, large images, wide desktops, entire websites etc.) and new capture effects that you can apply on the fly while capturing your screenshots.Another major improvement is full support for capturing images on systems with multiple monitors. Many other screen capture programs cannot do this or produce unsatisfactory results.Ashampoo Magical Snap 2 automatically identifies multi-monitor systems and captures screenshots perfectly from any monitor. Ashampoo Magical Snap 2 is also easier to use than ever, with a much more powerful and intuitive user interface. Almost every aspect of the program has been overhauled. Improvements include better support for multiple captures, more hotkeys, better zoom and scroll features (mouse wheel, keys, cache), separate Undo/Redo for every capture, drag resize, easier configuration and much more.
• Capture windows with off-screen content
• Capture entire text documents, spreadsheets,
• Full support for multiple monitors
• Full support for
• New capture effects
• Much easier and faster to use
• Interactive guides show you how
• New and improved editing too