Panorado v4.0.1.31

Panorado v4.0.1.31

Panorado v4.0.1.31

Panorado is a simple, yet comfortable image viewer which has been designed specially for very large pictures and panoramic images.Panorado supports 360-degree viewing in flat and spherical projection mode, an optional Explorer-style navigation bar, thumbnail viewing, full screen mode, slide shows, printing, and a tool for burning picture disks.Full Drag-and-Drop support for file management.File formats: JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, CUR, TGA, PCX, PNG, TIFF, JPEG 2000, PNM, RAS.DSC/EXIF information from digital cameras is available.See your panoramic pictures immediately. No IVR files or HTML framework required - just ordinary image files (like JPEG)!Or create a picture CD/DVD with a self-running slide show!

Key Features:-
· Panorado is comfortable and very much "mouse-aware".
· It provides two different mouse modes for panning around the picture.
· If you like, you can control the viewer almost completely with a 5-button wheel-mouse: Navigate up and down, switch to full screen mode, zoom in and out, adjust the picture size to the window size. Without using the keyboard.
· Soft zooming and soft panning are new Version 2.5 features providing smoother movements on screen.
· Panorado specially supports large pictures and panoramic pictures.
· Your pictures are allowed to largely exceed the screen size. Panoramic pictures are recognized automatically and eventually displayed as seamless 360� images.
· You can toggle anytime between a flat view mode which is very fast and a spherical view mode which gives a very realistic 3-D impression.
· Panorado supports 14 graphics file formats.
· These are: JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, CUR, TGA, PCX, PNG, TIFF, JPEG 2000, PNM, and RAS.
· Panorado uses file loading routines from the CxImage library.
· Panorado helps you to survey large amounts of pictures.
· The navigation bar which can be activated on the left side lets you browse through pictures in different folders and on different drives. Not only hard drives, but also CDs, DVDs, and Flash Cards (from your digital camera).
· The navigation bar provides file management capabilities which are very similar to those of the Windows Explorer.
· Panorado provides EXIF information.
· This may be contained in JPEG files generated by a digital camera (like exposure time and some more exposure details). If desired, the image is rotated automatically according to EXIF information.
· Panorado automatically recognizes file changes.
· If any of the files listed or displayed are affected, these files will be redrawn.
· Panorado is fast.
· Panorado uses fast DirectDraw libraries to make best use of your graphics hardware. This makes your pictures move across the screen as smooth as possible.
· Panorado supplies a true full screen mode.
· See your pictures with no buttons on the edges.
· Panorado shows thumbnails of all pictures in one folder.
· In extreme "landscape" format, if desired.
· Panorado provides a slide show running automatically.
· Panning through panoramic pictures by 360 degrees, if you like.
· Panorado supports printing.
· In case you want to see your pictures on paper.

Panorado v4.0.1.31 Download

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