BestCrypt Volume Encryption software provides transparent encryption of all the data stored on fixed and removable disk devices.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption software opens a new class of Volume Encryption products. With the software users can encrypt old MS-DOS style disk partitions as well as modern volumes residing on a number of physical disk devices, for example Spanned, Striped, Mirrored or RAID-5 volumes.
Main Features
Encrypts all types of volumes residing on fixed and removable disks:
Simple volume, i.e. volume consisting of one disk partition.
Mount point - volume mounted as a sub-folder on NTFS-formatted volume.
Multipartition volume, i.e. volume consisting of several disk partitions:
Spanned volumes;
Mirrored volumes;
Striped volumes;
RAID-5 volumes.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage Download
ShareBestCrypt Volume Encryption software opens a new class of Volume Encryption products. With the software users can encrypt old MS-DOS style disk partitions as well as modern volumes residing on a number of physical disk devices, for example Spanned, Striped, Mirrored or RAID-5 volumes.
Main Features
Encrypts all types of volumes residing on fixed and removable disks:
Simple volume, i.e. volume consisting of one disk partition.
Mount point - volume mounted as a sub-folder on NTFS-formatted volume.
Multipartition volume, i.e. volume consisting of several disk partitions:
Spanned volumes;
Mirrored volumes;
Striped volumes;
RAID-5 volumes.
BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage Download