BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage

BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage

BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage

BestCrypt Volume Encryption software provides transparent encryption of all the data stored on fixed and removable disk devices.

BestCrypt Volume Encryption software opens a new class of Volume Encryption products. With the software users can encrypt old MS-DOS style disk partitions as well as modern volumes residing on a number of physical disk devices, for example Spanned, Striped, Mirrored or RAID-5 volumes.

Main Features
Encrypts all types of volumes residing on fixed and removable disks:
Simple volume, i.e. volume consisting of one disk partition.
Mount point - volume mounted as a sub-folder on NTFS-formatted volume.
Multipartition volume, i.e. volume consisting of several disk partitions:
Spanned volumes;
Mirrored volumes;
Striped volumes;
RAID-5 volumes.

BestCrypt Volume Encryption v2.12.07 Multilanguage Download

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